A personal entry from Ishita_Paper
This blog is not so much a 'how-to' but rather a. bit of insight into myself and how I endure what I call a "Planner Crisis".
What is a "Planner Crisis"?
I'll be honest, I'm not sure if this is a real term or not. But, it seems very fitting in the same sense that a "Mid-Life Crisis" has you questioning everything. The only difference is that I'm questioning Planning specifically (though, I feel like that often comes at a time when I'm going through a personal crisis as well).
Essentially, it's a moment in which everything you've built and created for the success of your planning routine and planners no longer seems -- enough, creative, possible, functional, aesthetic, etc., It's sometimes when you question far too much and often wonder if it's best to start over.

How it begins, typically
There's a moment when I realize that I'm going through a Planner Crisis and that usually comes when I find myself wanting to change everything I have currently or "try something new" even though I've spent time and energy curating the style I have currently. Is there usually something wrong with my style? No, not at all. I've said it often in my blogs - the beauty of planning is that there is no right or wrong answer. It has to work for you. And, I always find ways in which styles I like or methods I see are easily manipulated to work for what I need it to do.
Instead of just appreciating what I have going on and admiring what I see in others, I start wanting to mimic that sensation I see in various other locations - Youtube, Instagram, and Pinterest. What should just be a "that looks so cool, good for them" moment very quickly becomes a "I should try that, they seem to have it together and that's what I want, too".
Younger me wouldn't have put two and two together, but the older I get, the more responsible I am for getting down to the deep rooted issues that cause the need to pull the Fresh Start button. I get into these moments when things in my life aren't going the way I want, or I feel overwhelmed and can't find a solution. With planning being my biggest outlet for a chaotic brain, it seems like the easiest first step in "fixing" life.
A planner that shows a good, organized and happy life must mean I have one, right?
Of course, not! But, that's what my goal is. I think that's what most people's goal is. I then desperately try and search for ways to bring what I see in others into my life, without really recognizing and understanding that what you see on the internet is not reality of the situation. Or, maybe I do see it, but I keep thinking I can still have that. So, I go through the process as if I have no basis to stand on - I start adding things to my cart, look for different planners with updated layouts and spreads and hope that somehow a new planner means a new perspective.
This is how I know so much about planning and different companies and styles. I've gone through so many because I keep trying new things and not always for the best of intentions. Old me really struggled; I would get a new planner almost every few months because there was something so uplifting about getting to start over. I would get excited and plan it all out - break out the sticky notes, see what I hated about the ones before and try new things. And, just when I get into a comfy rhythm, that voice in my head practically begs to do it all over again.
How I fight it
Fighting it is the hardest thing. Why? There are so many wonderful and different ways all around; some already exist and others are just coming in. Planner companies release options constantly and every new thing becomes something I desperately want to try immediately. My goal for 2023 when it first began (8 weeks ago, if we're being picky) was to use the same planner all throughout the year. Especially when that pang of jealousy that comes with the beautiful examples on Instagram also comes in when I see people posting their journals from a whole year! How cool is that? A full year's documentation in one book. That's the dream, that's the end goal! And, I really want to make that happen.
And, then life gets in the way, messes with my brain and I'm back to wanting to "try something new". This time around, as I fight it while writing this post, I'm going to just focus on reworking the system with the planners I have now. What I'm using now is wonderful. I'm really happy to be part of the little Passion Planner Community even if I'm longing to return back to my 6 Ring Binder days.
What I'm doing to help fight it:
1. The pages I'm not happy with get taped up - out of sight, out of mind
2. Remind myself that planners are expensive and I need to be conscious of my budget this year as that was also one of my 2023 goals
3. Tag the pages that I love as a reminder of why I love it and why that system worked for me so I can implement it in the new layout
4. Tell myself that not every planner has to have the same system throughout; that it's okay to see it grow and develop like I am as the year moves on
It's a really hard process to accept "mistakes" and "mis-matched" pages. But, it's also important to remind myself of why I chose the planner for the moment and understand that seeing it evolve with me is a blessing, not a curse.
Have you every had to fight this? How do you handle it? What is your solution? I'd love to hear it. Comment below or message me on Instagram (@ishita_paper).
Be true to yourself and don't give up!